What is it?

I wrote a book of essays called obsessive, intrusive, magical thinking about everything I'm obsessed with, good and bad. Fire, Medusa, Disneyland, death, cults, whatever.

This newsletter is where it all began. Each one is something I just can’t stop thinking about: a TV show, a theme park ride, a mystery, a place, a nightmare, a Bad Thought. Maybe I’ll tell a ghost story sometimes, or focus on one moment in pop culture. It’ll be similar to work of mine you’ve read elsewhere, just more personal, less timely, or a little bit too weird for anyone to commission.

I think about lots of things all of the time and have basically zero control over what or how much, for better or for worse. Obsessive is my natural state, whether that means having intrusive thoughts, becoming fixated on an interesting topic or honestly believing in the powers of magical thinking (because I am mental) there is nothing I can do about it. Join me!

Who am I?

I’m Marianne Eloise, a freelance writer covering culture, emo, the internet, disability and more @ everywhere. I am also very obsessive. About everything.

Why subscribe?

To get full access to the newsletter and website. You’ll get the latest issue as soon as it arrives and get to be part of a very small, hopefully fun conversation.

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Fun, weird, or very bad things I simply cannot stop thinking about


Author of essay collection Obsessive, Intrusive, Magical Thinking. I love swimming, nature, and just having a nice time. I also write about digital culture, music, TV, etc.